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发布时间:2020-03-01 19:17:30 来源:范文大全 收藏本文 下载本文 手机版



观点:More haste, le speed.Before moving to the next step, one needs a practical consideration on what he has already achieved.(欲速则不达) preparation..Just as Rome was not built in one day, it takes one years’ practice to have a good command of the language.If we do not learn from spelling correct words and writing acceptable sentences, we are never able to write a good composition.And without practicing oral English a lot, we can never speak English fluently.If we don’t read and listen a lot and do a lot of efficient exercises, we can not pa English tests.studies and work or in other things as well.


观点:Honesty is the best policy.(诚实为上)

As we know, if one is honest, other people will deeply respect him or her, and are willing to make friends with him or her.In addition, being honest can make people’s life easier and more harmonious(和谐的).There are a lot of examples to support the argument.consumers will not be afraid of being overcharged if dealers are Singapore is a trustworthy society and has a very low criminal rate.

We should have the spirit of honesty.


现象:Should the students have the sense of competition?(是否应该培养学生的竞争意识)

don’t want to try hard to succeed so that they can find an excuse of their failure.

From my point of view, we should try to encourage students to have the sense of competition because there exists great competition in our modern world.Having the sense of it will certainly be important for students to develop after they leave school.of failure because everyone may meet it more or le.Instead, try to face to and overcome it.


现象:Can “lucky numbers” bring good luck?(吉祥数字能带来好运吗?) lucky numbers that they even spend a lot of money to buy lucky numbers.Obviously, such belief is only a kind of superstition.Perhaps it holds true for some cases, but often it does not.Numbers can never bring good luck to a person at all and our luck is in our own hands.

Therefore, everyone can have good luck only if he tries his best.Let’s always remember


主题:Reduce waste on campus(减少校园浪费)

water and electricity.our waste adds our parents and the society a burden.electricity as much as poible.we should not spend too much money.we

should stop wasting water when we bath, or clean faces, or wash clothes or dishes.


观点:Failure is the mother of succe.(失败是成功之母)

People often say,There is hardly any succe won without the painter, the doctor and the scientist have failed time and again before they succeed in the end.helpful experiences from them and learn little by little what is the right way to our goal.It seems that failures are the steps in the mountain paths leading up to the peak where succe lies.You have to climb the steps in order to reach the top.

We should all take a positive attitude to failures and keep on working hard so as to meet with the final succe in our studies and careers.


现象:Cell phones in China(手机在中国) number of cell phones was 85,260,000; in 2002, the number was 180,000,000; in 2003, 206,600,000; in 2004, 269,000,000; while in 2005, the number went up to 315,000,000.From these numbers, we can see the increasing use of cell phones.communication price, has made it poible for an average person to buy one and make more use of it.

模板八: 正反观点,各圆己见

话题:Wealth or health, which is the more important?(金钱与健康哪一个更重要?) enough money.Some of them take risky chances to make money only with the result that they get neither wealth nor health.Health is the foundation of one’s succe If one gets sick, it is nearly impoible for him to do his work well.person enjoy his wealth.Health is the source of energy and it’s the starting point where everything begins.Therefore, you should exercise every day with proper diet, forming good living habits and trying to avoid any minor disease.


1.Time flies.

2.Kill two birds with one stone.

3.Where there is a will, there is a way.

4.Don’t put the cart before the horse.

5.The early bird catches the worm.

6.Nothing in the world is difficult for one who sets his mind to it.

7.A fox may grow gray, but never good.

8.You cannot eat your cake and have it.










