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Make it a better place 演讲稿

发布时间:2020-03-04 01:13:24 来源:范文大全 收藏本文 下载本文 手机版

Make it a better place Heal the world, make it a better place, for you and me and the entire human race.----MJ Yes, let’s make this world a better place! What? Why? Then how? Nowadays, Bike-sharing startups have flooded China’s major cities with hundreds of thousands of starkly-colored branded bikes-in yellow, orange, white, like Ofo, Mobike, hellobike.And when bike sharing systems started popping up acro my city, I did get excited.I have no idea if you like this, but for us, the users love the services.Like me, the school I’m working at is quite far from me, it takes me around 2 hours to be there.Fortunately, this bike-sharing services do help me a lot to save my time! Moreover, it also has improved life by offering us a convenient way to get around town on short trips.So I really appreciate bike sharing.OK, now here is a ‘but’ coming.But, have you ever met that situation, when you are searching for a bike around, and finally you find one bike there.Then you run to it cheerily.However, it turns out it’s not available, someone scraped the code numbers or QR codes; someone took the saddle away; someone just broke it...TBH, I’m not easy to get angry, but facing that, I just want to say: Damn, what the hell!! Every working day, I will probably have almost 4 hours on the bus.These four hours have me set aside time to pause and look around and think.Oh yeah, eventually, my bus is coming.Oh no, crowded people again...Squeeze in, grab a seat.On the bus, there is a women asking how she can get to the place she’s hanging to.The girl nearby is helping her to find the way.Soon, yes, the woman knows the way and gets off the bus without a word.There is a woman carrying groceries.Counting her plastic bags, at least 8.And, they are all not full filled.One bag for one item, yeah, it’s true.There are three students with uniform drinking coca cola.They dump the empty plastic bottles in the trash can before they get off.Take a look, there exist more than three bottles. Last week I headed into Xiapu, a town in Ningde, which is really a nice place.I went there after the Labor Holidays, What ran into my eyes at the first sight was trash everywhere, water bottles, snacks bags, cigarette butt, plastic bags...Then we rented a boat out to another island, sad, same, there were foam plastic floating on the sea, near the beach, in the sand...it shouldn’t be this like an absolute tip.

Although those unethical engagements happen around, I still take pride in where I am living! Because we are living right in the same world, the small yet unique of the cosmos.This world is an awfully big place and there are accordingly a huge number of things that we can do to make it an even more incredible place to live.But sometimes having so many options can be overwhelming and there may be ways that we can help that we never thought about before.So here comes three ways for how we can make it a better place.1.Public property = and +(not ) Private property.What are public property? They are the things that belong to all of us in general.But we tend to be extra careful when it comes to our private property and extra negligent when it comes to public property, which serve a public purpose by enhancing the quality of life for us- like parks, libraries, scenic spots, public transport systems, electric system, public restrooms.Those public property, if we can protect them carefully like our private property, they can be used by not only this generation but also by future generations.So please take care of public property and be responsible to them like your own private property, but don’t take it for granted, when you don’t want it then just brake it.Don’t please! 2.Be consistent about recycling, which does a whole world of good.Reduce the negative impact we have on the world.Like, we can bring the reusable bags rather then the plastic bags when we need run some errands at grocery stores.Take a water bottle with you, reduce water use easily, if we wash our faces, then turn faucet off while doing that.Donate things you don’t use, people in need would appreciate your gesture and you would end up feeling much better.

3.Be generous, spread some kindne.Small acts of kindne can go a long way in making the world a better place.The first day I worked in U.S., What I got first were three magic words: Thank you, please and sorry.I’m pretty sure everyone knows the original meaning of these words, but so many people just forget how magic they can be.I’m willing to bet that anyone who receives an act of kindne paes it on in some way, even if it’s just by being in a better mood, and therefore treating the people around them with more kindne than usual.

As Paul Shane Spear said, as one person I cannot change the world, but I can change the world of one person! So I just want to give it shot to see after my speech today, if one of you, only one of you can get one point in my speech and think about this world we are living in, start to ponder over our ability to make it a better place.Pause to consider that if you can treat public property as your private, get a sense of recycling, or be more generous.Helen Keller said”I cannot do everything, but still I can do something; and just because I cannot do everything, I will not refuse to do the something that I can do.”That’s my attitude --- we can make a difference and make it a better place, for you and for me and the entire human race.What do you think?











Make it a better place 演讲稿
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